

放射科学新生 - (students with less than 30 completed semester hours)

Radiologic Sciences Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors - (students with 30 or more completed semester hours)


  • A collaboration between you and your academic advisor to help you make informed decisions 在你本科生涯的每个阶段.

  • A time when you can ask questions about your major, course selections, academic performance, University policies and procedures, scholarship or internship opportunities, and more.

  • A place where you can engage in intense self-study, explore your undergraduate options, and clarify your values and academic and career goals.

  • An opportunity to create your personalized academic road map, leading to your timely 毕业.


Administrators, faculty and professional staff at 南 believe that advising is a responsibility and an opportunity for enhancing your undergraduate experience. 许多 situations will arise during your academic career in which informed academic and career 建议是必要的. Academic advisors at 南 help you define important choices you must make and provide guidance as needed 在你本科生涯的每个阶段. However, you, not your advisor, are responsible for selecting courses, meeting 毕业 requirements, and adhering to University policies and procedures.


You are encouraged to meet with your academic advisor as often as you need. 我们建议 you visit your academic advisor each term prior to class registration so you can discuss 为即将到来的学期和以后的最好的计划.


你可以在四年后毕业. 以下是一些建议:

  • Plan to complete at least 30 semester hours each academic year (14-16 hours or roughly 5 courses each fall and spring; summer can also be included).
  • Explore opportunities at 南 early in your academic career. 选择你的专业和 follow your 学位 plan within your first year at 南 (changing your major can alter 你的进步).
  • 探索其他有类似要求的专业. 《十大彩票平台官网》是一本限制访问的杂志 程序(我.e., a program with more interested students than available seats) so having a plan that you can work on along with your RAD pre-reqs can make changing majors 如果需要的话会平滑很多.
  • Join the Radiologic Sciences Club; current students in the professional phase can give you study tips and tricks to help you prepare for the last two years of your 学位.
  • Take the higher level of math and science courses when it is an option; should you change your major, higher levels of math and science will generally transfer to other 专业比低级容易得多.
  • If you need to repeat a course from freshman year for a grade replacement, do so no later than the Fall semester of your second year so the grade replacement will be processed prior to decisions for the professional phase being made.
  • Monitor your progress through your Degree Evaluation located in 爪子, and seek advice from your academic advisor to ensure you stay on track.
  • 每学期保持良好的学术成绩.
  • Register in courses needed for your program as soon as your time ticket opens. 确保 you meet with your academic advisor prior to your registration date.
  • 设定现实可行的学术和职业目标.

Below are some ways to prepare for your advising appointment.

  • 审查您的学位审核位于爪子. 确定你学过什么课程,然后 你还需要上哪些课.
  • 查看放射科学网页上的常见问题解答. 有哪些项目 你需要澄清?
  • Review your previous plans and advising appointment notes in Navigate 南 (click the ‘Reports’ tab and locate the ‘建议 Summaries for…’ section).
  • 探索你感兴趣的辅修专业或其他专业.
  • Review your financial aid requirements (奖学金, Grants, Loans, GI Bill, etc.), 如果适用的话.
  • 把你可能有的问题列一个清单.